
ZippyStarter grants an on-going, non-transferable, lifetime license, to a single user (the licensee).

You can:

  • Use the Components and Templates to build unlimited End Products.
  • Use the Components and Templates to build unlimited End Products for unlimited Clients.
  • Use the Components and Templates to create End Products where the End Product is sold to End Users.

You can't:

  • Use the Components and Templates to create End Products that are created with the intent to allow an End User to build their own End Products using the Components and Templates or derivatives.
  • Re-distribute the Components and Templates or derivatives of the Components and Templates separately from an End Product, neither in code or as design assets.
  • Share your access to the ZippyStarter Repository, Components, or/and Templates with any other individuals.
  • Use the Components and Templates to produce anything that may be deemed by Ryuken Ltd, (T.A. ZippyStarter), in their sole and absolute discretion, to be competitive or in conflict with the business of ZippyStarter.

Example usage

Examples of usage permitted by the licence:

  • Creating any kind of personal or commercial website, including (but not limited to) SaaS, ecommerce, blog, portfolio, marketing, signup pages, landing pages.
  • Creating websites for clients that will be owned by those clients.

Examples of usage not permitted by the licence:

  • Creating Component libraries, Templates, themes, boilerplates, starter kits or similar and allowing paid or free access to them.
  • Re-distribute the Components and Templates or derivatives of the Components and Templates separately from an End Product, in code or as design assets.

In other words, don't create products that compete with ZippyStarter, from ZippyStarter.


  1. Repository: Where the source code and design assets originate.
  2. End Client: Your client, or a client of your client, or a client of... you get where this is going.
  3. Components and Templates: Source code and design assets made available to the Licensee via the repository after purchasing ZippyStarter.


I want you to use ZippyStarter to be productive, and not worry about these terms, if you are unsure about anything please contact me: