Post Card
A flexible, fluid component for linking to blog posts.
The PostCard
component is built with container queries, it's font-size will naturally adjust to accommodate any layout, as demonstrated below.
A fabulous Bauhaus-esque image
Dec 29, 2023
import CategoryCard from "@/components/cards/CategoryCard";
export default function Page() {
return (
<div className="grid gap-4 grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,minmax(min(100%,150px),1fr))]">
<PostCard title="An array of tools" date="2023-12-29" url="/" imageUrl="" />
<PostCard title="Interconnected strings" date="2023-12-29" url="/" imageUrl="" />
<div className="grid gap-4 grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,minmax(min(100%,300px),1fr))]">
<PostCard title="An array of tools" date="2023-12-29" url="/" imageUrl="" />
<PostCard title="Interconnected strings" date="2023-12-29" url="/" imageUrl="" />
<PostCard title="A fabulous Bauhaus-esque image" date="2023-12-29" url="/" imageUrl="/blog/mdx/bauhaus.webp" />
By default PostCard
includes an LQIP (Low Quality image Placeholder) for each image.